Thursday, February 1, 2007

14_Here We Go Again...Suck it up!

Use your Scanner as a camera? It's a copy camera. No-way, dude! That's sick. Just like a frontside 720..
Is that why some people are putting their butts and other parts on it. There was a big grease spot on it and some hairs. I had to get a stick to get it off.
I guess my soda can and shell is low on this creative platform.

More information:

Friday, January 19, 2007

What' up with this camera

I'm working on my Pin Hole Camera project.
I using things found around the house and try not to buy anythig.
so far i have:
1. One old used cylinder cookie can from Cost Plus.
2. I have some black paper for the inside of the can. This will keep stray light rays from bouncing around and exposing the photo paper used as film for this project.
3. Black tape. will be used for light leaks that maybe found later.
4. Needle for making the lens-less hole (Pin Hole Camera).

I will get some pictures to help tell the story.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nothing Like A Good Liplock to Start A Blog

Hey Ya'll

My first blog and all. Well, I'm sitting in my room thinking what the hell am I doing for my Pin Hole Camera class project. I'm taking the class at Diablo Valley College.
If you don't know what a pin hole camera is , it's a lens-free camera, that's right no lens. Phat-free. We will also be hooking-up a CCD to the camera later so we may be able to use a computer to down load images to some sort of hard drive.

Pin hole cameras were one of the first camera used early in the 1800's. If you would like to know more about Pin hole camras search Google, you will find more information.

later M